Store on wheels for sale are primarily intended to help retail businesses reach out to customers with a proactive approach. This is a new trend in retail marketing and the idea is to aggressively reach out to customers rather than passively wait for them to walk-in into a store. Buyers, consumers, customers, clients, end-users, etc call them with whatever names form the bedrock of all economic activities. These are people or a group of them with cash in hand and an urgent requirement that needs to be fulfilled. Any business that fulfills the requirements of these people or groups gets rewarded with cash in return for their excellent products or services.

The success of any business enterprise depends on the amount of cash or profits they make in a financial year. Keeping this simple logic in mind it is essential to eliminate or at least reduce all obstacles that block the path between a customer and a retail store. For example, studies have shown that a store on the leveled ground will attract more customers than a neighboring store that has 3 stairs to climb at the entrance. Just 3 stairs at the entrance door can lead to a decrease in sales and more profits for a competitor next door. That’s how important it is to eliminate or reduce any hurdles that stand between a customer and a retail store. Similarly, a restaurant may offer delicious recipes for lunch at the cheapest price in town but employees from a nearby industrial center will not be able to visit the restaurant because its located at a considerable distance, and traveling alone will consume a sizeable time of their lunch break, moreover they will have to wait in a queue and wait for the chef to prepare the order. In its entirety, there are a lot of hurdles between the restaurant and the office employees in the industrial park. As a result, the restaurant loses customers thus losing a golden opportunity to make more cash despite having cheap and delicious recipes on its menu. On the other hand, the office workers miss the opportunity to enjoy a tasty treat at low prices. Both the restaurant and the office employees are at a loss and a certain disadvantage. There is supply as well as a demand but there are no means or tools to deliver and fulfill the demand. How would it be if the restaurant owner thinks out of the box, buys a minibus for sale, converts it into a food truck, stocks it with ready to serve food, and stations it outside the industrial complex or better still outside the office building at lunchtime??? Now the dynamics have changed completely. The office employees will have to simply step out of the elevator, walk out of the building, locate the food truck, pay cash and get the order delivered right away straight into their hands, and bam! Consume it, on the spot, thus fulfilling their appetite as well as enriching the restaurant with more profits. This is how a Mobile Store on Wheels completely revolutionizes the retail industry. Moreover, the restaurant can increase the price of its products simply because office employees have more spending power compared to other groups of customers. The Mobile Shop on Wheels has helped the restaurant reach out to a high paying group of customers that were previously beyond its reach.

Just like the restaurant reached out to more customers and increased its revenue, there are more than 50 other niche businesses that can benefit from a Mobile Retail Store on Wheels for Sale, for example, Mobile Barber Shops, Coffee Shops, T-Shirt Business, Beauty Parlours, Nail Salons, Animal Rescue, Animal Transport, Clothing Stores, Welding Shop, Pet Groomers, Fast Food Centres and several other specialty businesses like artists, jewelry makers, beauticians, soap manufacturers, candlestick makers, and so forth. Every retail business should include a Mobile Shop in its business plan to increase its customer base and annual profits.

We live in a world of Calamities, Civil Unrest, Disasters, Emergencies, Hurricanes, and Pandemics

When the path between the customer and a retail store is blocked by the uncontrollable forces of nature like hurricanes and pandemics, conducting business as usual becomes impossible. Both the customer as well as the store is forced to close their door and stay inside for personal safety and security. The CoronaVirus pandemic of 2020 forced the Government to declare a nationwide lockdown for more than 6 months and people were forced to stay indoors. Many retail stores lost their tenancy because with virtually no customers walking-in they could not sustain themselves and pay for the high monthly rent. As a result, many entrepreneurs closed their business and started a new life. Even when the lockdown was relaxed, people were advised to keep a safe distance of at least 2 meters from each other. People stepped out of their homes but did not walk into retail outlets for fear of getting infected. Due to the changing economic and political environment, many small business owners got creative, they kept their stores shut and purchased a used bus for sale from their savings and sometimes on credit and converted it into a mobile shop thus offering their services by visiting the customers rather than wait forever for social distancing laws to be removed. Many businesses like barbershops, beauty salons, clothing boutiques managed to stay afloat and dodged the law with this new strategy. Once again the demand for several products and services existed on a large scale but retail store owners could not satisfy those demands because law enforcement agencies had forced them to shut the business indefinitely. For example, men need barber services every 6 weeks, women need them every 8 weeks, people, in general, need something to eat once they step out of their homes. Even though there was massive demand in certain industries, business owners lost their livelihoods and were going bust because they were not allowed to open their brick and mortar stores to the public. The CoronaVirus pandemic was not the only natural calamity to disrupt business and economic activity. There can be other natural disasters too like Earthquakes, Landslides, Wildfire, Volcanic Eruptions, Hurricanes, Floods, and much more. The US coastline has been battered with devastating hurricanes almost every year since 2000. Pandemics are becoming more frequent and have become the new normal; there was Bird Flu in 2005, then Swine Flu in 2009, and Corona Virus in 2020. A mobile bus store on wheels for sale not only adds new revenue channels for the small businesses but also acts as a strong backup when disaster strikes because the demand will always exist, the business owner will have to find a way to reach out to customers near and far to fulfill their demands. With this enhanced flexibility a business will never go out of business and stay afloat during economic or political chaos and uncertainty.

How can a Shop or Store on Wheels For Sale rescue a sick or struggling business?

One example has already been discussed above where a restaurant increased its revenue by reaching out to office employees in a distant industrial park. Here are some key takeaways by owning a Store on Wheels For Sale, the business can:

1. Reach out to customers in distant locations and fulfill their demands.

2. Eliminate the high cost of Rent.

3. Eliminate the cost of insurance, property taxes, and other utility bills related to hiring a brick and mortar shop.

4. A mobile shop is a mobile billboard providing free advertising for the business wherever it goes – This feature alone is priceless in the field of advertising and marketing.

5. Increase brand awareness.

6. Build Networks and Relationships with new people at distant locations.

7. Sale, sale, sale – Skyrocket the profits chart.

8. Get more customers with referrals and word of mouth advertising from satisfied customers.

9. Create a unique experience for the customer that cannot be easily forgotten.

10. Dodge the barriers and difficulties created by natural disasters or calamities.

11. Conduct surveys, gather feedback, provide education, and offer a live demo of the products or services being sold.

12. Market Research – Discover customer needs in distant locations.

13. Create a list of high paying clients from different locations in the city.

14. Always be in business because there are people with demands everywhere.

15. Outmanoeuvre the competition with a mobile department or branch.

16. Less Upfront Investment compared to Brick and Mortar Stores.

17. Get started on a limited budget with a focus on do-it-yourself practices.

18. A Lower barrier to entry because starting a business is faster and more affordable compared to traditional storefronts.

19. Travelling retailers are hard to miss, whereas storefronts introduce you to your customers first.

20. Test the waters before committing to a permanent location with a vast inventory.

21. Create a sense of urgency in potential buyers using the “Now or Never” tactic due to the limited inventory in the mobile store, forcing them to buy impulsively for the fear of missing out.

22. A perfect solution for DIY entrepreneurs.

The popularity of Shop or Store on Wheels For Sale is increasing every year

The Mobile Store on Wheels For Sale industry has grown to nearly 1,000 vehicles across the USA, according to the American Mobile Retail Association (AMRA). Established brands are using trucks, vans, trailers, buses, and even recreational vehicles as a more cost-effective solution to launching a traditional storefront. Food Trucks, Fashion Trucks, and Mobile Barbershops are a common sight these days but small businesses from all types of non-food related industries have started picking up on the idea. These include financial planners, full-service grocery stores and most recently even Amazon launched its Treasure Truck that connects people on mobile phones with its mobile shop. There are many reasons why people shop online, it can be for convenience, or to stop being conned by local retailers and pay highly inflated prices, to avoid purchasing contaminated products that can lead to hospitalization, avoid being followed by strangers, deliberate food poisoning or to simply avoid becoming a scapegoat of rival factions and much more. What’s more, convenient than rolling the entire store up to the customer’s door? Brands can stop near parks, events, and almost anywhere they can find a crowd of people and immerse them in a retail experience that appeals to all their senses. Research has shown that more than 30% of Startups reach their break-even point within 2 years, you definitely don’t want that to happen to your dream business. Other studies have shown that starting a traditional storefront can cost up to $100,000, whereas a Mobile Storefront costs less than $20,000. Obviously mobile is the way to go when starting a new business or opening a new branch.

Adopt a new proactive approach to conducting business

Can you imagine women step out of their house and go to an office, party, or event without putting on some makeup? Of course, the makeup will be quite basic within professional etiquettes when going to the office but will be intense when attending parties, marriages, and other social events. Makeup artists can offer on the spot makeup solutions to women attending upscale parties and events when they have a mobile beauty shop. Even if social, economic, or political disturbances put their brick and mortar salons out of business, they will always be in a position to cater and satisfy the ever-growing demands of clients by reaching out to them at a time and place of their convenience. Female professionals can use these services on-demand at parking lots, roadside, gardens, or wherever there is someplace to park the mobile beauty salon. Moreover, they will be glad to pay a premium price for being available at a time and place of their convenience. People make deep and long-lasting bonds with their personal care specialists and if the artist can go the extra mile by being available anytime, anywhere, it will take the relationship to new levels that are unparalleled and never seen before in the industry.

Similarly, if you have a new business idea or a new product and don’t know where to get started, buy a short bus for sale and convert it into a mobile shop. Fill it with tables, chairs, cabinets, other furniture, and the inventory. Then set out to visit locations where you can find crowds of people. Hire funny jokers to dance on the roof or put four big-screen LED TV’s each facing different sides to form a cube, then show live sports events or any popular TV programs. This will force people to turn their heads and look towards the mobile store even in the dead of night. Distribute free samples of the product, educate the customers, and give them a hands-on live demo of its functionalities, then gather feedback. Rinse and repeat this process until you have a strong database of potential customers and a list of genuine feedback. The product can be upgraded accordingly to provide customized solutions and meet the expectations of the buyers.

Buying a used bus for sale is simpler and easier than ever before

When the leg traffic goes down, it’s an immediate warning sign of the things to come. With reduced customers walking in, paying for rent, employee compensation, and utility bills will be difficult. It’s time for the business owners to sit down and figure out why the foot traffic decreased? All measures should be taken to restore and even increase the number of customers coming in, but when things don’t improve, it’s time to go out and reach the customer with a proactive approach. This will not only increase the number of people the business interacts with but will also help them collect feedback to know exactly what went wrong with their brick and mortar storefront? Once they have a solid set of feedback and recommendations from the prospective buyers, the business can implement their suggestions not only to improve sales in their storefront but also in their mobile unit. If a competitor was the cause of the problem then the business is now equipped with a shop on wheels to outsmart them and reach out to their customers before they can walk into the competitor’s store. This drastically changes the dynamics of conducting business as usual.


But there are times when the competition is not the problem. Uncontrollable events like the CoronaVirus Pandemic caused millions of people to lose their jobs overnight without warning and businesses were forced to shut down for several months in a row. People were literally fed up with the long almost never-ending vacation and craved to get back to work. During these hard times, the smarter ones were able to float towards safety and get back to normal lives by purchasing a bus for sale and using it as their mobile branch. They dug into their savings and purchased a small bus for sale to get their business back on track. The demand for various products and services existed but the social distancing laws blocked everybody out. With a new mobile shop on wheels, entrepreneurs were able to reach out to customers and deal with them on a one to one basis. Doing so they managed to keep their long list of clientele intact and even got new customers onboard because their traditional competitors were still closed. 


Buying a shuttle bus for sale with one previous owner is cheap but many did not have the budget to purchase them outright, so they got financed by third-party financial institutions at attractive interest rates and made their dream and necessity of owning a shop or a store on wheels for sale a reality.


Instead of waiting for the next calamity to hit the business community, why not start a mobile branch right here, right now before the zombies come?

Where to buy a second-hand bus for sale that is reliable and affordable?

Major Vehicle Exchange is a bus dealership established in 1985 and specializes in purchasing aging, worn-out used buses and fully reconditioning them from bumper to bumper to a point where they are almost hard to differentiate from new buses in appearance as well as performance. All vehicles we purchase have one previous owner, are accident-free with clear Auto check reports, are less than 10 years old, and have less than 150,000 miles on their odometer. This unique criterion makes our buses, the best pre-owned vehicles in the market to start with. Once the reconditioning process is complete they even get certified ready to hit the road in the USA by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Our unique process of reconditioning every bus involves the inspection of more than 300 parts and equipment of the vehicle. Any component that fails inspection is either repaired by experienced technicians, or replaced with better performing parts. As a result, the bus gets a new life ready to serve its new owners for years to come. Majority of the buses we stock fall under the mini and medium-sized bus category with seating capacities for up to 15 passengers or between 16 to 29 passengers. When a buyer purchases our commercial bus for sale with the intention of converting it into a mobile store on wheels, we simply remove the passenger seats (if requested) and deliver the empty vehicle straight up to their doorstep anywhere across the United States. The empty space is more than 225 sq feet and up to 1500 cubic feet which are perfect for conversion into any shop or store on wheels. We are a dealership specializing in the sale of reconditioned shuttle buses and do not undertake the actual conversion process. This task is left to customers’ discretion once the vehicle has been delivered to their respective locations.

Throughout our 35 years in business, we have sold numerous buses that have been converted into a shop/store on wheels for barbers, beauty parlors, nail salons, Animal rescue and transport, full-time RVers, campers, and several other specialty businesses like artists, jewelry makers, beauticians, candlestick makers, and so forth.

For more information about purchasing our used buses for sale and converting them into a shop on wheels visit our website at and call the owner Charles Kaufman at 516-333-7483 today!

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